Shed Base On Wet Ground

I need a base for my shed 12ft x 8 ft, ive read lots on the web about hard core, then either concret slab or paving slabs etc, read about 100mm hardcore is best for soft clay etc. questions are, 1. its really really wet out there at the mo, should i wait for it to dry out abit (its clay and water logged). The 6 most popular shed foundations � reviewed. and water will also seep through the ground and make the dirt floor of your shed wet. this moisture will lead to rot and corrosion which will wear away at the shed over time. gravel is an easy solution for a shed base, and works well with small to medium sized storage sheds, particularly. Building a shed base on uneven ground can cause a lot of problems and can even cause your shed to fall down. not only that, uneven ground allows gaps to appear in your shed base and other ground protection, consequently allowing moisture, bugs and other factors to increase the risk of damage to your shed..

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The adjustable shed base copes easily with bearing on to a variety of materials. in this case it included a section of old patio and some newly constructed individual bases. the jacks raise the base of the shed off the wet ground. this allows good airflow beneath the shed and keeps the base timbers dry.. Building a shed base: site preparation. having already identified and outlined the site of your fut ure shed, it�s time to break ground. keeping the border pegs in place for reference, begin digging out the entire area somewhere between 3 and 4 inches.. Good advantages to using a plastic shed base. a shed is only as stable as the base you put it on. if you put a shed directly on the ground, it will soon become unstable if the ground becomes wet. additionally, any wooden shed is going to rot if you place it on the ground without building a base first. a plastic shed base has a lot going for it..

shed base on wet ground

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